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VibroSense: Recognizing Home Activities by Deep Learning Subtle Vibrations on an Interior Surface of a House from a Single Point Using Laser Doppler Vibrometry

Published on Proceedings of the Association for Computing Machinery on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies (IMWUT)/Ubicomp’20

Wei Sun, Tuochao ChenJiayi ZhengZhenyu Lei, Lucy WangBenjamin Steeper, Peng He, Matthew Dressa, Feng Tian, Cheng Zhang

Selected Media Coverage: Cornell ChronicleEngadgetNewAtlas ,  Yahoo, TechExplore, PhysicsWorldThe Engineer, Hackster

Spectrogram of the vibrations for 18 home appliances 


Smart homes of the future are envisioned to have the ability to recognize many types of home activities such as running a washing machine, flushing the toilet, and using a microwave. In this paper, we present a new sensing technology, VibroSense, which is able to recognize 18 different types of activities throughout a house by observing structural vibration patterns on a wall or ceiling using a laser Doppler vibrometer. The received vibration data is processed and sent to a deep neural network which is trained to distinguish between 18 activities. We conducted a system evaluation, where we collected data of 18 home activities in 5 different houses for 2 days in each house. The results demonstrated that our system can recognize 18 home activities with an average accuracy of up to 96.6%. After re-setup of the device on the second day, the average recognition accuracy decreased to 89.4%. We also conducted follow-up experiments, where we evaluated VibroSense under various scenarios to simulate real-world conditions. These included simulating online recognition, differentiating between specific stages of a device's activity, and testing the effects of shifting the laser's position during re-setup. Based on these results, we discuss the opportunities and challenges of applying VibroSense in real-world applications.

Data Acquisition Hardware Set 


Data Processing Pipeline


107 Hoy Rd, Ithaca, NY 14853 

Cornell University

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